
TODO: description


fn main() {
use frac::*;
let mut a = Frac::new(8374927, 2983178).simplify();

let b: i64 = 31;
a += b;

let af: f64 = a.into();

let (l, r) = a.lower_den(100);
println!("{l} <= {a} <= {r}");
let (lf, rf): (f64, f64) = (l.into(), r.into());
println!("{lf:.5} {rf:.5}");

mod frac {
    /// Note: Basic arithmetics on the fraction types do not simplify the fraction to reduce calls of GCD.
    /// Simplifications should all be done manually.
    use std::{fmt::Display, ops::*};

    /// Numerator type
    pub type I = i64;
    /// Denominator type
    pub type U = u64;

    /// Fraction type.
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    pub struct Frac {
        /// Numerator
        pub num: I,
        /// Denominator
        pub den: U,

    impl Frac {
        /// Simplifies the fraction to the minimum denomicator.
        pub fn simplify(self) -> Self {
            fn gcd(mut a: U, mut b: U) -> U {
                while b != 0 {
                    (a, b) = (b, a % b);
            let g = gcd(self.num.unsigned_abs(), self.den);
            Self {
                num: self.num / g as I,
                den: self.den / g,

        /// Returns a fraction from a given numerator and denominator
        pub fn new(num: I, den: I) -> Self {
            debug_assert_ne!(den, 0);
            if den < 0 {
                Self {
                    num: -num,
                    den: (-den) as U,
            } else {
                Self { num, den: den as U }

        /// Returns a reciprocal of the fraction
        pub fn recip(self) -> Self {
            use std::cmp::Ordering::*;
            match self.num.cmp(&0) {
                Less => Self {
                    num: -(self.den as I),
                    den: (-self.num) as U,
                Equal => panic!("Reciprocal of zero"),
                Greater => Self {
                    num: self.den as I,
                    den: self.num as U,

        /// Returns a floor of the fraction in an integer form
        pub fn floor(self) -> I {
            let Self { num, den } = self;
            let den = den as I;

        /// Returns a ceil of the fraction in an integer form
        pub fn ceil(self) -> I {
            let Self { num, den } = self;
            let den = den as I;
            (num + den - 1).div_euclid(den)

        /// Returns a rounded fraction in an integer form
        pub fn round(self) -> I {
            let Self { num, den } = self;
            let den = den as I;
            (2 * num + den).div_euclid(2 * den)

        /// Returns self - self.floor()
        pub fn fract(self) -> Self {
            self - self.floor()

        /// Returns two closest fractions to `x` given a maximum possible value for denominators.
        /// If the fraction is equal to `x` when converted to f64, then the both bounds are equal.
        /// This behavior is subject to change for more accurate approximation.
        pub fn wrap(x: f64, max_den: U) -> (Self, Self) {
            let ipart = x.floor() as I;
            let d = x.fract();
            if d == 0. {
                return (ipart.into(), ipart.into());

            let [(mut ln, mut ld), (mut rn, mut rd)]: [(U, U); 2] = [(0, 1), (1, 1)];
            while (ln, ld) != (rn, rd) {
                let (pl, pr) = ((ln, ld), (rn, rd));

                // Update l
                let k1 = (ld as f64 * d - ln as f64).div_euclid(rn as f64 - rd as f64 * d) as U;
                let k2 = (max_den - ld).div_euclid(rd);
                let k = k1.min(k2);
                ln += k * rn;
                ld += k * rd;

                // Update r
                let k1 = (rn as f64 - rd as f64 * d).div_euclid(ld as f64 * d - ln as f64) as U;
                let k2 = (max_den - rd).div_euclid(ld);
                let k = k1.min(k2);
                rn += k * ln;
                rd += k * ld;

                if pl == (ln, ld) && pr == (rn, rd) {

            let l = Self::new(ln as I, ld as I) + ipart;
            let r = Self::new(rn as I, rd as I) + ipart;
            if x == l.into() {
                (l, l)
            } else if x == r.into() {
                (r, r)
            } else {
                (l, r)

        /// Returns two fractions `(l, r)` where `l <= self`, `r >= self`, and `l`, `r` both being
        /// the closest to `self` given a maximum value of denominators. This function can be
        /// used for approximating the fraction when the numberator or denominator is getting too
        /// large, but you don't need an exact value of the fraction.
        pub fn lower_den(self, max_den: U) -> (Self, Self) {
            if self.den <= max_den {
                return (self, self);

            let ipart = self.floor();
            let Self { num: dn, den: dd } = self.fract();
            let dn = dn as U;

            let [(mut ln, mut ld), (mut rn, mut rd)]: [(U, U); 2] = [(0, 1), (1, 1)];
            while (ln, ld) != (rn, rd) {
                let (pl, pr) = ((ln, ld), (rn, rd));

                // Update l
                let k1 = (ld * dn - ln * dd).div_euclid(rn * dd - rd * dn);
                let k2 = (max_den - ld).div_euclid(rd);
                let k = k1.min(k2);
                ln += k * rn;
                ld += k * rd;

                // Update r
                let k1 = (rn * dd - rd * dn).div_euclid(ld * dn - ln * dd);
                let k2 = (max_den - rd).div_euclid(ld);
                let k = k1.min(k2);
                rn += k * ln;
                rd += k * ld;

                if pl == (ln, ld) && pr == (rn, rd) {

            let l = Self::new(ln as I, ld as I) + ipart;
            let r = Self::new(rn as I, rd as I) + ipart;
            (l, r)

    impl Default for Frac {
        fn default() -> Self {
            Frac { num: 0, den: 1 }

    impl Display for Frac {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "{}/{}", self.num, self.den)

    impl From<I> for Frac {
        fn from(num: I) -> Self {
            Self { num, den: 1 }

    impl From<Frac> for f64 {
        fn from(value: Frac) -> Self {
            value.num as f64 / value.den as f64

    impl Neg for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn neg(self) -> Self::Output {
            Self {
                num: -self.num,
                den: self.den,

    impl Add for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            Self {
                num: self.num * rhs.den as I + self.den as I * rhs.num,
                den: self.den * rhs.den,

    impl Sub for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            Self {
                num: self.num * rhs.den as I - self.den as I * rhs.num,
                den: self.den * rhs.den,

    impl Mul for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            Self {
                num: self.num * rhs.num,
                den: self.den * rhs.den,

    impl Div for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            self * rhs.recip()

    impl Add<I> for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn add(self, rhs: I) -> Self::Output {
            let rhs: Frac = rhs.into();
            self + rhs

    impl Sub<I> for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn sub(self, rhs: I) -> Self::Output {
            let rhs: Frac = rhs.into();
            self - rhs

    impl Mul<I> for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn mul(self, rhs: I) -> Self::Output {
            let rhs: Frac = rhs.into();
            self * rhs

    impl Div<I> for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn div(self, rhs: I) -> Self::Output {
            let rhs: Frac = rhs.into();
            self / rhs

    impl Add<Frac> for I {
        type Output = Frac;
        fn add(self, rhs: Frac) -> Self::Output {
            rhs + self

    impl Sub<Frac> for I {
        type Output = Frac;
        fn sub(self, rhs: Frac) -> Self::Output {
            -rhs + self

    impl Mul<Frac> for I {
        type Output = Frac;
        fn mul(self, rhs: Frac) -> Self::Output {
            rhs * self

    impl Div<Frac> for I {
        type Output = Frac;
        fn div(self, rhs: Frac) -> Self::Output {
            let lhs: Frac = self.into();
            lhs / rhs

    impl AddAssign for Frac {
        fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
            *self = *self + rhs;

    impl SubAssign for Frac {
        fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
            *self = *self - rhs;

    impl MulAssign for Frac {
        fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
            *self = *self * rhs;

    impl DivAssign for Frac {
        fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
            *self = *self / rhs;

    impl AddAssign<I> for Frac {
        fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: I) {
            *self = *self + rhs;

    impl SubAssign<I> for Frac {
        fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: I) {
            *self = *self - rhs;

    impl MulAssign<I> for Frac {
        fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: I) {
            *self = *self * rhs;

    impl DivAssign<I> for Frac {
        fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: I) {
            *self = *self / rhs;

    impl PartialEq for Frac {
        fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
            (self.num * rhs.den as I).eq(&(rhs.num * self.den as I))

    impl Eq for Frac {}

    impl PartialOrd for Frac {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
            (self.num * rhs.den as I).partial_cmp(&(rhs.num * self.den as I))

    impl Ord for Frac {
        fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
            (self.num * rhs.den as I).cmp(&(rhs.num * self.den as I))

    impl PartialEq<I> for Frac {
        fn eq(&self, rhs: &I) -> bool {
            let rhs: Frac = (*rhs).into();

    impl PartialOrd<I> for Frac {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &I) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
            let rhs: Frac = (*rhs).into();

    impl PartialEq<Frac> for I {
        fn eq(&self, rhs: &Frac) -> bool {
            let lhs: Frac = (*self).into();

    impl PartialOrd<Frac> for I {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Frac) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
            let lhs: Frac = (*self).into();


mod frac {
    /// Note: Basic arithmetics on the fraction types do not simplify the fraction to reduce calls of GCD.
    /// Simplifications should all be done manually.
    use std::{fmt::Display, ops::*};

    /// Numerator type
    pub type I = i64;
    /// Denominator type
    pub type U = u64;

    /// Fraction type.
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    pub struct Frac {
        /// Numerator
        pub num: I,
        /// Denominator
        pub den: U,

    impl Frac {
        /// Simplifies the fraction to the minimum denomicator.
        pub fn simplify(self) -> Self {
            fn gcd(mut a: U, mut b: U) -> U {
                while b != 0 {
                    (a, b) = (b, a % b);
            let g = gcd(self.num.unsigned_abs(), self.den);
            Self {
                num: self.num / g as I,
                den: self.den / g,

        /// Returns a fraction from a given numerator and denominator
        pub fn new(num: I, den: I) -> Self {
            debug_assert_ne!(den, 0);
            if den < 0 {
                Self {
                    num: -num,
                    den: (-den) as U,
            } else {
                Self { num, den: den as U }

        /// Returns a reciprocal of the fraction
        pub fn recip(self) -> Self {
            use std::cmp::Ordering::*;
            match self.num.cmp(&0) {
                Less => Self {
                    num: -(self.den as I),
                    den: (-self.num) as U,
                Equal => panic!("Reciprocal of zero"),
                Greater => Self {
                    num: self.den as I,
                    den: self.num as U,

        /// Returns a floor of the fraction in an integer form
        pub fn floor(self) -> I {
            let Self { num, den } = self;
            let den = den as I;

        /// Returns a ceil of the fraction in an integer form
        pub fn ceil(self) -> I {
            let Self { num, den } = self;
            let den = den as I;
            (num + den - 1).div_euclid(den)

        /// Returns a rounded fraction in an integer form
        pub fn round(self) -> I {
            let Self { num, den } = self;
            let den = den as I;
            (2 * num + den).div_euclid(2 * den)

        /// Returns self - self.floor()
        pub fn fract(self) -> Self {
            self - self.floor()

        /// Returns two closest fractions to `x` given a maximum possible value for denominators.
        /// If the fraction is equal to `x` when converted to f64, then the both bounds are equal.
        /// This behavior is subject to change for more accurate approximation.
        pub fn wrap(x: f64, max_den: U) -> (Self, Self) {
            let ipart = x.floor() as I;
            let d = x.fract();
            if d == 0. {
                return (ipart.into(), ipart.into());

            let [(mut ln, mut ld), (mut rn, mut rd)]: [(U, U); 2] = [(0, 1), (1, 1)];
            while (ln, ld) != (rn, rd) {
                let (pl, pr) = ((ln, ld), (rn, rd));

                // Update l
                let k1 = (ld as f64 * d - ln as f64).div_euclid(rn as f64 - rd as f64 * d) as U;
                let k2 = (max_den - ld).div_euclid(rd);
                let k = k1.min(k2);
                ln += k * rn;
                ld += k * rd;

                // Update r
                let k1 = (rn as f64 - rd as f64 * d).div_euclid(ld as f64 * d - ln as f64) as U;
                let k2 = (max_den - rd).div_euclid(ld);
                let k = k1.min(k2);
                rn += k * ln;
                rd += k * ld;

                if pl == (ln, ld) && pr == (rn, rd) {

            let l = Self::new(ln as I, ld as I) + ipart;
            let r = Self::new(rn as I, rd as I) + ipart;
            if x == l.into() {
                (l, l)
            } else if x == r.into() {
                (r, r)
            } else {
                (l, r)

        /// Returns two fractions `(l, r)` where `l <= self`, `r >= self`, and `l`, `r` both being
        /// the closest to `self` given a maximum value of denominators. This function can be
        /// used for approximating the fraction when the numberator or denominator is getting too
        /// large, but you don't need an exact value of the fraction.
        pub fn lower_den(self, max_den: U) -> (Self, Self) {
            if self.den <= max_den {
                return (self, self);

            let ipart = self.floor();
            let Self { num: dn, den: dd } = self.fract();
            let dn = dn as U;

            let [(mut ln, mut ld), (mut rn, mut rd)]: [(U, U); 2] = [(0, 1), (1, 1)];
            while (ln, ld) != (rn, rd) {
                let (pl, pr) = ((ln, ld), (rn, rd));

                // Update l
                let k1 = (ld * dn - ln * dd).div_euclid(rn * dd - rd * dn);
                let k2 = (max_den - ld).div_euclid(rd);
                let k = k1.min(k2);
                ln += k * rn;
                ld += k * rd;

                // Update r
                let k1 = (rn * dd - rd * dn).div_euclid(ld * dn - ln * dd);
                let k2 = (max_den - rd).div_euclid(ld);
                let k = k1.min(k2);
                rn += k * ln;
                rd += k * ld;

                if pl == (ln, ld) && pr == (rn, rd) {

            let l = Self::new(ln as I, ld as I) + ipart;
            let r = Self::new(rn as I, rd as I) + ipart;
            (l, r)

    impl Default for Frac {
        fn default() -> Self {
            Frac { num: 0, den: 1 }

    impl Display for Frac {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "{}/{}", self.num, self.den)

    impl From<I> for Frac {
        fn from(num: I) -> Self {
            Self { num, den: 1 }

    impl From<Frac> for f64 {
        fn from(value: Frac) -> Self {
            value.num as f64 / value.den as f64

    impl Neg for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn neg(self) -> Self::Output {
            Self {
                num: -self.num,
                den: self.den,

    impl Add for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            Self {
                num: self.num * rhs.den as I + self.den as I * rhs.num,
                den: self.den * rhs.den,

    impl Sub for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            Self {
                num: self.num * rhs.den as I - self.den as I * rhs.num,
                den: self.den * rhs.den,

    impl Mul for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            Self {
                num: self.num * rhs.num,
                den: self.den * rhs.den,

    impl Div for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            self * rhs.recip()

    impl Add<I> for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn add(self, rhs: I) -> Self::Output {
            let rhs: Frac = rhs.into();
            self + rhs

    impl Sub<I> for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn sub(self, rhs: I) -> Self::Output {
            let rhs: Frac = rhs.into();
            self - rhs

    impl Mul<I> for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn mul(self, rhs: I) -> Self::Output {
            let rhs: Frac = rhs.into();
            self * rhs

    impl Div<I> for Frac {
        type Output = Self;
        fn div(self, rhs: I) -> Self::Output {
            let rhs: Frac = rhs.into();
            self / rhs

    impl Add<Frac> for I {
        type Output = Frac;
        fn add(self, rhs: Frac) -> Self::Output {
            rhs + self

    impl Sub<Frac> for I {
        type Output = Frac;
        fn sub(self, rhs: Frac) -> Self::Output {
            -rhs + self

    impl Mul<Frac> for I {
        type Output = Frac;
        fn mul(self, rhs: Frac) -> Self::Output {
            rhs * self

    impl Div<Frac> for I {
        type Output = Frac;
        fn div(self, rhs: Frac) -> Self::Output {
            let lhs: Frac = self.into();
            lhs / rhs

    impl AddAssign for Frac {
        fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
            *self = *self + rhs;

    impl SubAssign for Frac {
        fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
            *self = *self - rhs;

    impl MulAssign for Frac {
        fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
            *self = *self * rhs;

    impl DivAssign for Frac {
        fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
            *self = *self / rhs;

    impl AddAssign<I> for Frac {
        fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: I) {
            *self = *self + rhs;

    impl SubAssign<I> for Frac {
        fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: I) {
            *self = *self - rhs;

    impl MulAssign<I> for Frac {
        fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: I) {
            *self = *self * rhs;

    impl DivAssign<I> for Frac {
        fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: I) {
            *self = *self / rhs;

    impl PartialEq for Frac {
        fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
            (self.num * rhs.den as I).eq(&(rhs.num * self.den as I))

    impl Eq for Frac {}

    impl PartialOrd for Frac {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
            (self.num * rhs.den as I).partial_cmp(&(rhs.num * self.den as I))

    impl Ord for Frac {
        fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
            (self.num * rhs.den as I).cmp(&(rhs.num * self.den as I))

    impl PartialEq<I> for Frac {
        fn eq(&self, rhs: &I) -> bool {
            let rhs: Frac = (*rhs).into();

    impl PartialOrd<I> for Frac {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &I) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
            let rhs: Frac = (*rhs).into();

    impl PartialEq<Frac> for I {
        fn eq(&self, rhs: &Frac) -> bool {
            let lhs: Frac = (*self).into();

    impl PartialOrd<Frac> for I {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Frac) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
            let lhs: Frac = (*self).into();