Pollard's Rho Algorithm

Pollard rho algorithm is a randomized algorithm which factorizes a number in an average time complexity of \(O(n^{1/4})\).

x.factorize() factorizes x and returns a vector with the factors. The order of factors in the vector is undefined.

Miller-Rabin primality test should be with this snippet in the code.


use factorization::*;

fn main() {
let mut rng = RNG::new(15163487);
let a: u64 = 484387724796727379;
let mut factors = a.factorize(&mut rng);
println!("{:?}", factors); // [165551, 2925912406429]
println!("{}", factors.iter().product::<u64>()); // 484387724796727379
use millerrabin::Primality;
println!("{}", factors.iter().all(|&x| x.is_prime()));

mod factorization {
    use super::millerrabin::Primality;
    use std::ops::*;

    pub trait PollardRho: Primality + From<u8> + PartialOrd + ShrAssign + BitAnd<Output = Self> + Clone {
        fn rho(self, arr: &mut Vec<Self>, rng: &mut rng::RNG);
        fn factorize(mut self, rng: &mut rng::RNG) -> Vec<Self> {
            let mut arr: Vec<Self> = Vec::new();
            if self <= 1.into() {
                return arr;
            while self.clone() & 1.into() == 0.into() {
                self >>= 1.into();
            self.rho(&mut arr, rng);

    macro_rules! impl_pollardrho {
        ($t:ty, $u:ty, $reset:expr) => {
            impl PollardRho for $t {
                fn rho(self, arr: &mut Vec<Self>, rng: &mut rng::RNG) {
                    if self <= 1 {
                    } else if self.is_prime() {

                    let mut i: u64 = 0;
                    let mut x: $t = (rng.next_u64() % self as u64) as $t;
                    let mut y: $t = x;
                    let mut k: u64 = 2;
                    let mut d: $t;
                    let mut reset_limit: u64 = $reset;

                    loop {
                        i += 1;
                        x = (((x as $u * x as $u % self as $u) + (self - 1) as $u) % self as $u) as $t;
                        d = gcd(y.abs_diff(x), self);
                        if d == self || i >= reset_limit {
                            // Reset
                            reset_limit = reset_limit * 3 / 2;
                            i = 0;
                            x = (rng.next_u64() % self as u64) as $t;
                            y = x;
                        if d != 1 {
                        if i == k {
                            y = x;
                            k <<= 1;

                    if d != self {
                        d.rho(arr, rng);
                        (self / d).rho(arr, rng);

                    let mut i = 3;
                    while i * i <= self {
                        if self % i == 0 {
                            i.rho(arr, rng);
                            (d / i).rho(arr, rng);
                        i += 2;

    impl_pollardrho!(u8, u16, 100000);
    impl_pollardrho!(u16, u32, 100000);
    impl_pollardrho!(u32, u64, 100000);
    impl_pollardrho!(u64, u128, 100000);

    pub fn gcd<T>(x: T, y: T) -> T
        T: Copy + PartialEq + PartialOrd + core::ops::Rem<Output = T> + From<u8>,
        if y == 0.into() {
        } else {
            let v = x % y;
            gcd(y, v)

    pub mod rng {
        pub struct RNG {
            val: u64,
        impl RNG {
            pub fn new(seed: u64) -> Self {
                Self { val: seed }
            pub fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
                let mut x = self.val;
                x ^= x << 13;
                x ^= x >> 7;
                x ^= x << 17;
                self.val = x;

    pub use rng::*;

mod millerrabin {
    pub trait Primality {
        fn is_prime(self) -> bool;

    macro_rules! impl_primality {
        ($t:ty, $u:ty, $thres:expr, $bcnt:expr, $($basis:expr),+) => {
            impl Primality for $t {
                fn is_prime(self) -> bool {
                    if self <= 1 {
                        return false;
                    } else if self & 1 == 0 {
                        return self == 2;

                    const THRES: $t = $thres;
                    const TEST: [$t; $bcnt] = [$($basis,)+];

                    if self <= THRES {
                        for p in (2..).take_while(|&p| p * p <= self) {
                            if self % p == 0 {
                                return false;
                        return true;

                    let pow = |base: $t, mut exp: $t| -> $t {
                        let mut base = base as $u;
                        let mut ret = 1 as $u;
                        while exp != 0 {
                            if exp & 1 != 0 {
                                ret = (ret * base) % self as $u;
                            exp >>= 1;
                            base = (base * base) % self as $u;
                        ret as $t

                    let s = (self - 1).trailing_zeros();
                    let d = (self - 1) >> s;

                    for &a in TEST.iter().take_while(|&&a| a < self - 1) {
                        let mut x = pow(a, d);
                        for _ in 0..s {
                            let y = ((x as $u).pow(2) % self as $u) as $t;
                            if y == 1 && x != 1 && x != self - 1 {
                                return false;
                            x = y;
                        if x != 1 {
                            return false;


    impl_primality!(u8, u16, 255, 1, 2);
    impl_primality!(u16, u32, 2000, 2, 2, 3);
    impl_primality!(u32, u64, 7000, 3, 2, 7, 61);
    impl_primality!(u64, u128, 300000, 7, 2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775, 9780504, 1795265022);


mod factorization {
    use super::millerrabin::Primality;
    use std::ops::*;

    pub trait PollardRho: Primality + From<u8> + PartialOrd + ShrAssign + BitAnd<Output = Self> + Clone {
        fn rho(self, arr: &mut Vec<Self>, rng: &mut rng::RNG);
        fn factorize(mut self, rng: &mut rng::RNG) -> Vec<Self> {
            let mut arr: Vec<Self> = Vec::new();
            if self <= 1.into() {
                return arr;
            while self.clone() & 1.into() == 0.into() {
                self >>= 1.into();
            self.rho(&mut arr, rng);

    macro_rules! impl_pollardrho {
        ($t:ty, $u:ty, $reset:expr) => {
            impl PollardRho for $t {
                fn rho(self, arr: &mut Vec<Self>, rng: &mut rng::RNG) {
                    if self <= 1 {
                    } else if self.is_prime() {

                    let mut i: u64 = 0;
                    let mut x: $t = (rng.next_u64() % self as u64) as $t;
                    let mut y: $t = x;
                    let mut k: u64 = 2;
                    let mut d: $t;
                    let mut reset_limit: u64 = $reset;

                    loop {
                        i += 1;
                        x = (((x as $u * x as $u % self as $u) + (self - 1) as $u) % self as $u) as $t;
                        d = gcd(y.abs_diff(x), self);
                        if d == self || i >= reset_limit {
                            // Reset
                            reset_limit = reset_limit * 3 / 2;
                            i = 0;
                            x = (rng.next_u64() % self as u64) as $t;
                            y = x;
                        if d != 1 {
                        if i == k {
                            y = x;
                            k <<= 1;

                    if d != self {
                        d.rho(arr, rng);
                        (self / d).rho(arr, rng);

                    let mut i = 3;
                    while i * i <= self {
                        if self % i == 0 {
                            i.rho(arr, rng);
                            (d / i).rho(arr, rng);
                        i += 2;

    impl_pollardrho!(u8, u16, 100000);
    impl_pollardrho!(u16, u32, 100000);
    impl_pollardrho!(u32, u64, 100000);
    impl_pollardrho!(u64, u128, 100000);

    pub fn gcd<T>(x: T, y: T) -> T
        T: Copy + PartialEq + PartialOrd + core::ops::Rem<Output = T> + From<u8>,
        if y == 0.into() {
        } else {
            let v = x % y;
            gcd(y, v)

    pub mod rng {
        pub struct RNG {
            val: u64,
        impl RNG {
            pub fn new(seed: u64) -> Self {
                Self { val: seed }
            pub fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
                let mut x = self.val;
                x ^= x << 13;
                x ^= x >> 7;
                x ^= x << 17;
                self.val = x;

    pub use self::rng::*;

Last modified on 231008.